Water, Rivers, and People Opening: Show Plunges Into Water Issues

With oil spilling out of the Gulf of Mexico, drought besieging West Africa’s Sahel region and more bad news about the increasingly instability of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, the David Brower Center’s “Water, Rivers and People” exhibition is particularly timely.

Presented in partnership with International Rivers and the Madera Group, the show pays homage to those who fight to defend rivers and the people who depend on them. With photography by Robert Dawson, Roberto Bear Guerra, Luo Wen-Da and others, the exhibition features case studies of rivers and dams, destructive water projects and policies such as mines and privatization as well as river protection and community water-supply success stories. All texts are available in English and Spanish.

The show opens tonight and runs through Aug. 31. (The center is not open on weekends.) At 6:30 p.m., there will be a panel discussion among artists and activities about water and human rights with the photographers Dawson and Guerra; Steve Rothert, California director of American Rivers; and Aviva Imhof, campaigns director of International Rivers. Patrick McCully, executive director of International Rivers, will moderate the discussion. An opening reception in the Hazel Wolf Gallery will follow, ending at 9 p.m.

(Original Article)