Art/Act: Local – Natural Harmony

Our 2018 juried exhibition, Art/Act: Local – Natural Harmony, featured the work of Bay Area artists.

Today the environmental movement goes by many names: sustainability, biodiversity, restoration, wilderness, renewables, photovoltaics – among others. All of these are important on their own but also can be distilled into one essential theme: beauty. There is an inherent beauty in environmental justice.

Many artists, environmentalists, and activists have recognized the importance of beauty. “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise,” wrote Aldo Leopold. The late Doug Tompkins believed, “If anything can save the world I’d put my money on beauty.” How do we see beauty, not just in untouched landscapes but manifested in our everyday lives? For Bay Area artists, Natural Harmony is both a celebration and an investigation of beauty.

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Gina Borg, Renee Bott, George-Ann Bowers, Timothea Campbell, Sarah Christianson, Leslie Curchack, Jason Engelund, J.M. Golding, Richelle Gribble, Mark Hannah, Dana Harel, Sonja Hinrichsen, Zohra Kalinkowitz, Barbara Bryn Klare, Andras Ladai, Sarah Misra, Alan Sonneman, Pin-Chih Su & Hsuan-Te Su, Paul Taylor, Carolyn WarmSun, June Yokell

Image: Andras Ladai, 37-28-31N, 121-57-06W (detail)